
(CODE: 37)

Abbreviation: ACD
CAS Number: 10016-20-3
Product Number: 37
Cyclodextrin type: Native, neutral
Quality: pharma grade
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Chemical and Physical Description
Molecular Formula C36H60O30
Formula Weight 972.9
Possible impurities Other cyclodextrins, linear oligomers
(in 100 cm3 solvent, at 25 °C)
Water: > 10 g
Methanol: < 1.0 g
DMSO: > 10 g
Test Method Range
Appearance Visual white or almost white powder
Identification A: Specific optical rotation EP 2.2.7 +147° to +152°
Identification B: HPLC EP 2.2.29 conforms with reference
Identification C: Iodine test   yellow-brown precipitate
Appearance of 1% aqueous solution Visual (EP 2.2.1) clear solution
pH of 1% aqueous solution EP 2.2.3 5.0 - 8.0
Related substances
residual BCD
residual GCD
sum of other impurities
HPLC (EP 2.2.29)
max. 0.25%
max. 0.25%
max. 0.50%
Reducing sugars   max 0.2%
Heavy metals EP 2.4.20 Cd  max. 0.2 ppm
Pb  max. 0.5 ppm
As  max. 1.5 ppm
Hg  max. 0.3 ppm
Co max. 0.5 ppm
V   max. 1 ppm
Ni  max. 2 ppm
Light absorbing impurities (1%) EP 2.2.25 A230-A350: max 0.10
A350-A720: max 0.05
Sulphated ash EP 2.4.14 max. 0.1%
ACD content HPLC (EP 2.2.29) 97.0 - 102.0%
Microbial contamination EP 2.6.12, EP 2.6.13 TAMC: max. 103 CFU/g
TYMC: max. 102 CFU/g
Salmonella: absent/10 g
E. Coli: absent/1 g
Loss on drying EP 2.2.32 max. 11.0%
Storage: at room temperature, in tightly closed container.

MSDS Downloads

  • MSDS_CY_1001_ACDv2.6

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