Beta-cyclodextrin secondary standard

(CODE: -)

Price: € 115.76 / g

Abbreviation: BCD WS
CAS Number: 7585-39-9
Product Number: -
Cyclodextrin type: Native, neutral
Quality: analytical standard
for 115.76  EUR
Volume Volume Discount Price
from 1 g 0% € 115.76 / g
Complies with EP and USP Pharmacopoeia requirements.

Chemical and Physical Description
Molecular Formula C42H70O35
Formula Weight 1135.0
Possible impurities Other cyclodextrins, linear oligomers
(in 100 cm3 solvent, at 25 °C)
Water: < 2.0 g
Methanol: < 1.0 g
DMSO: > 10 g
Test Method Range
Appearance Visual white or almost white powder
Identification A Specific optical rotation,
EP 2.2.7, USP<781S>
+160° to +164°
Identification B HPLC,
EP 2.2.29 USP<621>
conforms with reference
Identification C Iodine test yellow-brown precipitate
Identification D IR, USP<197K> conforms with reference
Appearance of 1% aqueous solution Visual (EP 2.2.1) clear and colorless solution
pH of 1% aqueous solution EP 2.2.3, USP<791> 5.0 - 8.0
Reducing sugars as in EP and USP monographs max. 0.2%
Light absorbing impurities (1%) UV-Vis,
EP 2.2.25, USP<857>
A230 - A350: max. 0.10
A350 - A750: max. 0.05
Related substances
residual ACD
residual GCD
sum of other impurities
EP 2.2.29, USP <621>

max. 0.25%
max. 0.25%
max. 0.50%
Residual solvents GC (EP 2.2.28) max. 10 ppm trichloroethylene
max. 10 ppm toluene
Heavy metals EP 2.4.8 max. 10 ppm
Elemental impurities USP<231> Cadmium         NMT 0.2 µg/g
Lead                    NMT 0.5 µg/g
Arsenic             NMT 1.5 µg/g
Mercury           NMT 0.3 µg/g
Sulphated ash EP 2.4.14, USP<281> max. 0.1%
BCD content HPLC,
EP 2.2.29,USP <621>
98.0 - 102.0%
Water content USP<921> max. 14.0%
Loss on drying EP 2.2.32 max. 16.0%
Storage: at room temperature, in tightly closed container.

MSDS Downloads

  • CY2001-BCD

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