Analytical Services

Method development, validation, routine release testing, consultancy
1 During the development of a
new cyclodextrin derivative, a
formulation with cyclodextrins or
even during in vivo experiments,
the efficient analysis of the
cyclodextrin component can be
challenging especially without
proper experience.
CycloLab can assist you with
finding the ideal analytical
method for your needs owing to
its vast experience in the field of
cyclodextrins: to characterize
cyclodextrins, cyclodextrin
complexes, to perform related
analysis (API assay, formulation
specific characterization).

Our experience also includes
analysis of cyclodextrins in such
complex biological matrices like
blood plasma or liquor samples.
3 The applied techniques include
traditional analytical techniques,
HPLC, GC, MS and hyphenated-MS,
NMR, IR, CE, Dynamic and Static
Light Scattering, Bioburden and
Bacterial Endotoxin Content and
so on.
Complete or partial analysis
of the following cyclodextrin
derivatives according to
the current pharmacopeial
monographs: Alphadex,
Betadex, Gammadex, Hydroxypropylbetadex
and Betadex Sulfobutyl
Ether Sodium.

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