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Jozsef Szejtli Award in 2018
16 May, 2018
Nicolas Blanchemain, assistant professor at the University of Lille, received the 2018. Jozsef Szejtli Award, which was handed over by Lajos Szente, CEO of CycloLab Ltd. at the 19th International Cyclodextrin Symposium on April 29, 2018 in Tokyo.
Nicolas Blanchemain was selected due to his distinguished achievements in and outstanding contributions to application of cyclodextrins in biomaterial, in surface treatment and the biomedical application of such unique materials.
He is specialized in surface functionalization of medical devices to give them therapeutic properties (antiinfective, antithrombotic, anticancer, etc...). He has also expertise in the study and knowledge of the drug adsorption and drug release phenomena and on the biological evaluation of medical devices according to the international standards. He develops this theme in close collaboration with clinicians to the CHU of Lille (Service of Vascular Surgery - Pr S. Haulon, Service of Maxillo-facial Surgery - Pr J. Ferri) and industrial partners (Perouse Medical, Cousin Biotech, Bone & Joint Research, etc...) to develop new devices medical assets. He has developed in collaboration with University of Lille 1 (Pr B. Martel) a new antibacterial vascular prosthesis functionalized with cyclodextrin and developed similar products with other French companies in the visceral and orthopedic surgeries domains (CE mark step). Since 2010, he is responsible for the Biomaterials Research Group of the Inserm U1008 directed by Pr J. Siepmann. He participates in numerous private researches, public researches (ArCir, OSEO Fond Recherche Innovation, Interreg, Eurostransbio, etc…) and associative (vascular surgery society, Foundation Medical Research, etc…) as the coordinator or participant. He is also an active member of the Federation of Research on Biomaterials chaired by Dr. Frederic Hildebrand and is responsible for a Master 1 and Master 2 ‘Medical devices and Biomaterials’ at the University of Lille.
Summary of scientific production & PhD supervision:
Full paper (peer reviewed) : 55
Short Notes (peer review): 27
Book Chapter: 5
Large public paper: 6
Patents: 8
PhD (co-)directions : 7